life and disability cover

maximum claims

Three levels of cover, Bronze, Silver and Gold, paying up to the maximum limits and in line with your contractual obligations.  


Temporary disability: €100,000

Permanent disability: €100,000

Death in service: €100,000


Temporary disability: €150,000

Permanent disability: €300,000

Death in service: €300,000


Temporary disability: €200,000

Permanent disability: €600,000

Death in service: €600,000

Temporary disability

Wait period options

7 days | 14 days | 28 days

Duration options

After wait period, 100% annual basic wages up to 112 days followed by: 

  • 70% annual basic wages from day 113 – 365; or
  • No further cover after 112 days


Permanenet disability and death in service

How it works

Privides a lump sum to the insured’s beneficiaries if an insured crew member dies, becomes permanently disabled or unable to work while employed by the company.

Cover options
Option 1 Option 2
Accidental causes Accidental and illness causes